Cesco Translucent Satin Dipping Glaze 1080-1100oC - 10L
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10 Litre Bucket. Ballmilled wet glaze ready for dipping or spraying. A beautiful translucent (not clear) Satin Glaze - thinly applied you can see the appearance of decoration underneath the glaze - similar to frosted glass.
Food Safe. No Lead frit is used in the manufacture of this product.
Keep lid tightly closed during storage and if thickening occurs add a small amount of water. Australian Made with local support available.
Firing range: Cones 03-02 - 1080-1100C
PLEASE NOTE: This item is a non-stocked item at Sajo Ceramics. If you would like to purchase one from us, please drop us a line at sajoceramics@gmail.com to arrange your special order.